Rahanni means “of one heart“. Rahanni works with Celestial Beings of Pure Light such Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters Melchisedeck and Quan Yin and Star. It connects us to the Pink Ray, opening and expanding the heart chakra to promote peace, love, trust and compassion. Rahanni helps us to surrender, let go and detach from fear and negative thinking by connecting to and balancing the heart centre, opening you up to your own truth, love and compassion. Rahanni Healing vibrates on a much higher level than any other healing modality at this time and therefore is a much deeper healing treatment.

  • Category: Rahanni Healing
  • Service Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Address: 42 Anglesea Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland (Map)
  • Price:80.00